Clients deposit account statement for 55 Seafield Road East printed on 01/07/2024 05:58:53

Money out
Money in
12/04/2017 Cheque received from Neil Loftus Sales dep rec 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
21/06/2017 Ber Funds to CE Sale Closing Pay Bill 207.50 0.00 14,792.50
21/06/2017 Fees for Craddock Estates transferred to C Est 031410098 Sale Closing Fees to CE 12,730.50 0.00 2,062.00
22/06/2017 Balance of Deposit held after fees and expenses transferred to Cl 1 Ac for cheque to be issued to clients Solicitor Sale Closing Bal to Client 1,789.60 0.00 272.40
22/06/2017 Gardening Works balance transferred to Cl 1 ac for cheque to be issued to Green Baron Construction Sale Closing Pay Bill 272.40 0.00 0.00
353 1 8330517